Les Paul Standard
© edward chadwick 2009
Foregoing the opportunities presented by two exhibition openings last Thursday in favour of an evenings work, the tone was set by Friday for a little light relief. Things began sedately, work commitments fulfilled and enjoying an apres-work ale another opening dropped like the proverbial bombshell! The rumour was invitation only, however a couple of quick phone calls to some old chums dispelled any concerns and haste was made in the direction of Oxford Road. A brisk trot was embarked upon, briefly interrupted to quench the thirst in the Peveril at the halfway point. Arriving at the Whitworth just after 6, more pals were met and sparkly stuff quaffed, an audience with Nicholas Serrota added to the excitement and a brief glance at the rather darkly impressive show was made.
The conversation flowed, a small telling off was received and artistic nonsense was spouted, by 9 though it was time for excuses to be made as 3 made their way back across town to the Marble to sample some rather excellent ale. Ensconced at a table in the tiled paradise with a fine pint of 'Lagonda' a sudden realisation was made that no food had passed our lips for quite some time, crisps didn't go very far and after a tad more sampling it was time to head for home. Back at a reasonable hour for once, even taking into account a frankly ridiculous excursion up a particularly icy hill!
Saturday was a quiet time in the studio, a perfect foil to the evening planned ahead. Arriving home, arrangements were made and it was 'Chadwicks on tour', hurtling towards a local hostelry down bumpy back roads in the Jeep. Our pal of certain notoriety Mr Liam Spencer and his compatriots were providing the entertainment under the guise of 'The Crimpolenes'. The White Lion offered some very good pints of 'Golden Pippin' and a table with a fine view was soon procured, the company was good, 'The Crimpolenes' absolutely first class and the opportunity for some impromptu pogo action for one member of our little party certainly put a huge smile on my face.
Finally after an encore or two it was homeward bound once more, the boys wanted Shiraz but the girls wanted bed so it was time to acquiesce for once.
"Keep your eyes on the road and your hands upon the wheel"
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