Iconic Interior Ireland 1996
polariod dry transfer
© edward chadwick 2009
Well, sat on the heater, looking out of the studio window at the snow flurries I feel like I ought to have posted up something wintery. However, not one to be predictable, apart from admittedly my penchant for hot coffee at 11ish every morning, I've put up a little preview of one of my pieces recently submitted for the forthcoming 'Instant' exhibition at Touchstones Rochdale.
The piece was shot in a derelict house on the west coast of Ireland more than a decade ago. I created a series of images, intimate details of crumbling rural domesticity juxtaposed with the iconic presence of religious reliqury and imagery. The images began an exploration into iconography that has continued throughout certain elements of my work ever since.
Anyway, enough of this dreary pontificating, can tell I've been busying myself writing Artists statements. What's been going on in the real world? A eye-opening Burns night at the local, haggis, the highland fling and northern soul rounded the evening to a fine 4:30 am finish. The week however was troubled by a slight chill in the air which turned out to be thankfully quite unfounded, frost thawed by Friday and a fine evening was enjoyed with some choice chums. Real ales, bawdy conversation and oddly a Chinese meal at 2:30 am made for a success, not a mixture of elements that usually spring readily to mind I have to confess but there we are.
This week so far promises some inclement weather, an exhibition in the offing and dabbling in the dubious world of used car sales???
Life is never dull.
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