'Blue Moon'
Manchester NYE 2009
© edward chadwick 2009
It's far too late to be uttering 'Happy New Year' - The season for such merriment has been & gone, despite all best intentions & resolutions made back in September, it's been without doubt a bleak season for the blog. So why the lengthy silence? For now I'll blame a hefty workload for the distraction incurred over the last quarter, times in the gallery were better than expected over the festive season with plenty of activity & new work cropping up to tempt folks with. It was definitely a season of hard work but of riotous times too, it would be remiss not to mention certain nights spent in Common Bar with a fine crowd of pals being the particular highlights.
Over the well earned break I got out into the wilds with the cameras, shooting snowy landscapes, frozen streams & spectacular skies. It was good to do, an odd respite trudging though powder lugging a heavy tripod, but strangely, satisfyingly contemplative & rewarding. Already, new photographic projects are appearing in my mind as well as dusting off some long dormant creative streams.
And now, here we are, halfway through January 2010 & there's something in the air & I'm not refering to the over-generous amounts of frozen precipitation that have been dumped on us over the past month or so! Change feels like it's just around the corner, well into my second week back at the gallery, a serious bout of the new year blues are only just starting to lift. Things are afoot, everyone I speak to is bursting with enthusiastic optimism for my mooted plans. An opportunity has arisen, bigger & hopefully better things are up for consideration, but part of me is reluctant to move away from the current scenario, unwilling to take the gamble & commit to a leap of faith into the unknown - I did it 7 years ago without a second thought - youthful optimism perchance? Why not now, what do I do? Stay safe or throw caution to the wind & go for it?
I've set my deadline for the end of January. Another year here or a new year there?
Time will out.
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