Fear of the Void
Manchester 2008
© edward chadwick 2009
Well here we are, the week's installment of creativity and misdemeanor.
For the most part it's been work, work, work. Things have been pretty busy at the gallery, which I suppose is a given for the time of year. With the current economic scenario things could always be better, but then again they could be worse too, so best not to dwell.
Socially it's been relatively quiet, until last night that is, what started out as a few drinks with some choice chaps descended into debauchery by 9 p.m! Hungry boys meant I was left to my own devices in my favourite Jazz club, later, the promise of some good company saw us hopping in a cab to the south side of the City.
A few fine wines, hot spirits and some high jinx provided a healthy dose of hilarity, dampened only by the hours accelerating by too fast to concentrate on, before long it was 4 a.m, the saintly advice given by a good pal earlier was rather tarnished. Finally, way was made to a spare room for some welcome respite from the evening's storm.
Today dawned wet and windy, a bus heaved and rattled it's way back into town, peering out of the steamy windows, surrounded by the foist of damp students was the cue for a return to reality, hot chocolate and a fine dose of Sex on Fire brought things onto an even keel.
Creatively the week has been positively bursting at the seams, new work has been made for the gallery and for some of my other more personal projects. An invitation has been extended to feature in a small sub exhibition running alongside the forthcoming Horror Vacui exhibition at the Manchester Craft and Design Centre so after much contemplation of ideas for a conceptual piece - a final path has been chosen - to be embarked upon with renewed vim & vigour over the Christmas break...
Watch this space...
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