lively and noisy festivities
Time keeps spiraling on, the week and its festivities seem to have gone by in the blink of an eye.
The week began with the final dash to the finish of the years work commitments, it was busy right up to the line, which was in some ways welcome after recent times. Any last minute pre-Christmas debauchery was swiftly sidestepped and Christmas Eve saw pals going their own separate ways which was in some ways quite emotional. Any metaphorical tears spilt in the car park were blown away by the time we hit one-ten on the motorway away from civilisation, out to the wilds for the holiday season, an evening of Champagne and optimism was only dampened by a cloud of undertheweatherness on Christmas morning.
Arrangements were cancelled then hastily re-arranged as clouds cleared and clarity blossomed, dinner was missed but I still ended up with the beef and cake after an impromptu guitar performance, so smiles all round. A trip to a seaside of sorts beckoned where more cake was consumed, garages inspected and feathers ruffled by open windows.
Quiet times ensued for a short while, now however, movements are going on behind the scenes for New Years Eve antics. Plans are being hatched, wardrobes honed and drinks selected to make sure things start of with a bang for 2009...
If you don't hear owt between now and then...
Then it's best wishes from me to you all...